The objective of establishing Medicinal garden is for the purpose of education to expose our citizens to maximum common and rare genuine medicinal plants species which comprehensive knowledge of identification of various medicinal plants in fresh as well as in dry form and its various therapeutics uses. All the Herbs, Shrubs, Trees, Weeds and Climbers which are present in nature are of medicinally important. Our Rishi’s and saints explained their importance in detail in all the veda and sukta.
Thanks to some visionary people and western countries, Aurveda is gaining attention and to focus on growing role of nature in healing and wellness.
Role of Medicinal garden• Helps us discover and appreciate the important historic role of botanical gardens as sites of medicinal gardens, and the role, nature and plantsplay in healing and wellness.• Our younger generation should know, learn and invent new medicines for the betterment of society.• To provide a learner-centered education where the student will have an intimate interaction with the environment of healing.• To offer a location for the campus community and the citizens of cities to learn more about the role of nature in healing and wellness.We at Grassroots Floraventure can help you in setting up complete medicinal garden right from concept layouts, designing to complete execution on site.